@tymektt Don't be God's working is usually hidden from human eye, but critical changes are taking place in hearts in Poland and elsewhere. If we ask the Lord for a word for each person we speak to daily, then exactly what they need to challenge mindsets or encourage is exactly what He gives. Hearts are being prepared by the disasters around-we simply need to be at the well to catch the Samaritan woman who is poised to strategically reach the city for Christ. I believe every encounter for the Word or prayer can alter the course of that person's life if we are taking from Christ to give to them. The soil you are serving in is very hard, & while seeds are growing towards the Light -there are innumerable challenges for them to overcome so it takes time, but sow the Word in & out of season - only God gives the increase. I only sow the Word & it always amazes me with its fruit. Falsehood is frustrating but it does indicate people are searching - Lord position your servants at the well today.