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Tell us what you're thankful for today - it's such a great way to finish the working week!
www.Pure247Radio.org – The Pure Choice : Everyone’s cup of tea, even if yours is coffee.
#Pure247Radio #BBHQ #thankful #grateful #gratitude #attitude #positivity
Tell us what you're thankful for today - it's such a great way to finish the working week!
www.Pure247Radio.org – The Pure Choice : Everyone’s cup of tea, even if yours is coffee.
#Pure247Radio #BBHQ #thankful #grateful #gratitude #attitude #positivity
If you want to watch the Live Stream of Steve Legg's tribute this is the link you'll need, for YouTube
Let us know your highs and lows, your wins and losses of the week.
Add your name for a shoutout on today's Family Focus show, with Andy B & JoJo.
www.Pure247Radio.org – The Pure Choice
Let us know your highs and lows, your wins and losses of the week.
Add your name for a shoutout on today's Family Focus show, with Andy B & JoJo.
www.Pure247Radio.org – The Pure Choice
Tell us what you're thankful for today - it's such a great way to finish the working week!
www.Pure247Radio.org – The Pure Choice : Everyone’s cup of tea, even if yours is coffee.
#Pure247Radio #BBHQ #thankful #grateful #gratitude #attitude #positivity
Coming up after 4pm on the Get You Home Show, hear Andy B's latest conversation with Dr Richard Scott GP.
They discuss the power of laughter, and Dr Richard offers his tribute to Steve Legg, a man who brought laughter wherever he went.
Tell us what you're thankful for today - it's such a great way to finish the working week!
www.Pure247Radio.org – The Pure Choice : Everyone’s cup of tea, even if yours is coffee.
#Pure247Radio #BBHQ #thankful #grateful #gratitude #attitude #positivity
Today from 4pm, hear Andy B's conversation with Gaz Thompson of Kingdom Wrestling as he shares some of his story from childhood trauma and brokenness to redemption through Jesus and pro wrestling.
WARNING: While this interview is 3-point Pure, it does contain references to abuse that some may find harder to listen to.
How to get Pure247Radio on your Smart Speaker
Andy B explains how to start listening to Pure247Radio on your smart speaker.
If you're having trouble getting Alexa to play Pure247Radio, watch this video and learn the best commands for the job.
Live from 4 pm on Facebook for this week's Taste Test Challenge
Also, tell us what you're thankful for today - it's such a great way to finish the working week!
www.Pure247Radio.org – The Pure Choice : Everyone’s cup of tea, even if yours is coffee.
#Pure247Radio #BBHQ #thankful #grateful #gratitude #attitude #positivity
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