Pray for Ukraine! I received this message from Pastor Sasha, near Kiev...

Hi Todd !
As from today , Ukraine will be going perhaps through the most dangerous 10-14 days with regard to full size war with Russia. Today Russia and Belarus began in Belarus (only 100 miles up north from Kiev) military maneuvers with a huge army (around 130.000 soldiers)

With this we also see absolutely crazy propaganda within Russia to prepare their general public for a full size war.

Also Russia makes every day more and more crazy demands to Ukraine and West, to deescalate this situation (like we / Ukraine now has to send back to the west all weapons that we got last couple of weeks)
Overall it’s a spooky feeling !
BUT - there is no panic here as for today ! We keep standing and believing God for protection!
Please remember Ukraine even more so in your prayers these next 10 days!

Thanks for being there for us !


@Toddkapper I pray that many will believe in Jesus and repent, that the servants of the Lord will come together to serve the Lord with grateful hearts! As an American I am appalled at our nations leadership and their inaction. As a servant of Christ I know that He will bring good from Russia’s evil desires! My prayers are with the people of the Ukrain!

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