Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
— Matthew 28:19-20


@Olamide Thank you, good words! I have the experience from my church background, that we are preaching the word (which is of course the fundamental thing!), but we don't as a church search for spiritual gifts, well, we do pray for the sick, but we dont cast out demons AT ALL. And this is also a problem -because I'm sure God would love to give us also these things for equipping his church to minister to the lost, because He wants not only save people but also do these things of his goodness! It's sad that the prosperity movement have in a way spoiled this in that way that many Christians are afraid of all kinds of healings and miracles, because they have seen how these movements are abusing these gifts for selfish purposes. So it feels in a way safer to just preach the word, and not search for anything more. It's great to hear you have found a balance in this! Jesus did these things because he cared for people, and that should also be our heart, and only so that God can have ALL glory.

@sarikorpi Dear dear Sister...yes and yes...thank you so much for your comment.
Finding the balance came when I sincerely started seeking the Lord ..and not fame.

@Olamide Amen, Glory to God! 🙌Blessings to you dear brother. 🙏

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