Are there any other countries outside of the Nordic countries that have similar red wooden houses? These houses where I live (Finnish west coast) are all 100-200 years old, but thoroughly renovated. We have a lot of them in this village - looks like Sweden, because they are typically Swedish (we were a part of Sweden for almost 700 years). The red paint originated from the copper mine in Falun, Sweden, and became very popular during the 17th-19th century. They wanted the houses to look like the more "luxurious" tile walls in Europe. Most houses in Sweden were wooden.


@tanjaostman not in the same way. not that I know of. Yes, I can find similar houses, but there is nothing more swedish than a red house. ...unless it is beside a yellow house. ...

@sinbach thanks for the answer! You are a trustworthy source, since there are few with your travel CV. 😀 😉

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