Is Facebook using a social scoring system similar to what we have in China?
Yes, it does appear so

@sinbach upsetting but not surprising. The follow-up question is what they do with that information. Do they cooperate with governments that have planned to mandate vaccines? So far it's not mandatory where I live. The more I read stuff like this the more convinced I get that this vaccine thing is not about protecting the citizens - it's about an agenda, a control system. And the more I get convinced that I will refuse it as long as possible. But how do the Nordic citizens get their eyes opened? Most people I know here trust FB 100%, our government and politicians 100%, the health organizations 100%. It might sound strange to an American or Chinese. But it has to do with our society and history. Times have changed, but not the mindset. If I share this on FB there are two scenarios 1. Very few will read it because it's in English or because of the heading. 2. I will be accused of sharing fake news. @sinbach where did you find out about this? An article?

@tanjaostman the source of the articles are linked in the post. just click on the the highlighted words and it will take you to the article. blessings

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