I LOVE our old table. i don't want to cover it up with a new table cloth. I want the road map of grooves and veins of dented grain to tell me stories. I want to run my hands across each unique testimony retold with decades of nicks, dents, and bruises that only this table can tell.

@sinbach nice table! Just a personal question. Have you slept at all the last 24 hours? 🤣 You have shared posts around the clock. How do you handle new time zones and jet lag? I don't get it... If I go to Thailand (5 hours ahead), it's okay after 3 days there. BUT when I come back it takes 1-2 weeks to find a normal sleeping rhythm. I wake up in the middle of the night. And you travel at least every month.


@tanjaostman I ALWAYS get my sleep. I sleep everywhere and anywhere. I'm never in one time zone long, but when it's dark - I sleep. when it's daylight, I'm awake. I love what I do and especially love the people I work with, so if I lose a little sleep here and there, its only because I am excited. I'll make up the sleep at some time - guaranteed.
but always remember this when you travel - jetlag sleep is the most delicious sleep of all!

@sinbach it's a gift to be able to sleep well whenever it's dark! 😀 I think God knew what he was doing when he called you to BTJ... you seem to love traveling around the world. There is a big company in Vasa called Wärtsilä. They build engines etc. There are many who work for them who travel a lot over the world (meaning far from the amount of traveling you do). They say it's really exhausting both with the jet lag and long flights. You seem different!

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