Thank God for DingDash!
Starting tomorrow - unless something happens - I will be forever 🚫locked out🚫 of my Facebook account.
This is why....

@sinbach their explanation is pure BS, as always. They have become such bullies and liars. FB is nothing like it used to be 14,5 years back when I joined. They are ridiculous. I wish all of my relatives and friends on FB would join DD instead. I'm not a lot on FB anymore, but it's hard for me to leave it, since a great majority of my relatives and friends don't live close by. I love to connect with people. I need to reconsider this... I would like to delete my account as a statement. They suppress free speech, democracy, freedom of religion and true science/research. They pretend they stand up for these values, but they don't. They do the opposite.


@tanjaostman agreed, but don't leave. you still have a voice with your family and friends who are there. use FB and squeeze every drop of usefulness out of it. drop them when they reach their expiration date or they kick you off.

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