@Lindseyay such great photos
@andyharris all credit to mom, who raised both boys as basically a single mother, since I was on the road more than 300 days a year.
tough lady!
@sinbach I'm impressed with his sisu! Not every Finn has tried ice bathing or even 120°C in sauna (we use to have around 80-90°C). Did they go farther North or was it close to where I live on the West coast? If it was the last few days, I know where it could have been. I haven't been to a lake for a while, but on the coast we don't have much ice left, only in some bays.
@tanjaostman so glad you got to be there! Brother Ren was so sick, so my wife begged him to not continue the tour. Sad you didn't get to meet him, but happy you were able to meet Yun!
@dragonski so awesome
The Heavenly Man's Sunday Morning message from a boiling hot 🔥 sauna in Finland.
The Chinese government is rewriting the Bible and changing a few stories
@Keeper i have not
I have been living and causing trouble in China for more than 20 years.