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Sinobach boosted

A dear brother pointed out to me that isolation and solitude are polar opposites, which is so true. This lead me to these thoughts:
"solitude and isolation; the first produces fruit and the second empties our barrel. I suppose a modern analogy could be an electric car; it needs to sit in solitude on a charging point before it can do the miles required that day."

For all of the new users that joined us yesterday - Welcome to DingDash.
We are a small family from all over the world.

LIVE on Delay from Iraq!
In our latest podcast, I interview our dear friend working with refugee camp women to learn the stories behind our BTJ Prayer Bears.

Sinobach boosted

thanks for the ad and yet another facebook replacement :)

less than an hour ago, Facebook made another announcement.
They are saying they are working out the "bugs."
Bugs? Do bugs erase your domain?
I am not an expert, but .....

@Peggyruth welcome to DingDash. we are glad you are here! Welcome to the family that can still communicate even when Facebook has crashed.

Person of interested being questioned in regards to Facebook Hack.

Was Facebook hacked by founder of MySpace? 😂
"Laces out Dan!"

If Facebook was hacked, would it be possible to hack an election?

Now being reported that there may have been an arrest of a person of interest in regards to what is taking place with Facebook.

Sinobach boosted

So excited to see this project expand in Pakistan! No child should be for sale, in any way, but sadly it’s happening. Praise God that Operation Mercy has raised the funds needed to rescue 40 children this year from brick factory slavery!

i want to stay up later to keep tracking what is happening, but it is getting to be past my bed time in sweden. got a flight to the US tomorrow.
Hopefully America will still be there when I wake up tomorrow.

Bloomberg is reporting on Twitter that China could have hacked FB.
I am not so sure about that info...

Dear hackers.
Could I put in a request?
Could you keep Facebook from EVER coming back?

@LadyC54 welcome to the DingDash family. With Facebook down today, we are a great place to reconnect with believers around the world.

Sinobach boosted

@ROSEHOON they can use this Act to declare anyone racist or anti government in The future too if you don’t go along with the narrative as a Christian.

@Udderlyfamily welcome to DingDash! we are like a small town social media and we are glad you are here.

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