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Do you have a band/singer that you can listen to ALL DAY on a loop?

Sinobach boosted

My son and his girlfriend enjoying a night out together at the Marine Corps Ball.

A former transgender man that lived as a woman for 8 years - UNTIL he found Christ.
He joins our podcast and shares this powerful testimony.

Sinobach boosted

Pray!! 15,000 books I wrote in the first person from God's view to lost peoples ciew, meant for the unreached are being published and dispersed in 15 days. Laos/thai/ & Vietnam. 5K in each country. Thirty days later 15 K books on divine healing going to the all three nations to underground church in Laos and Vietbam. And 5,000 will be sent to every known church/pastor in Thailand. They don't have thai books on spirit filled subjects. So excited. Finally. 15,000 more books in all three countries divided evenly on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Dispersed with our network in Vietnam and Laos. In thai, it will also be going to the 5,000 known pastors/Churches to help them get filled with the spirit and walking in the healing anointing and the gifts of the spirit. Pray that our funding for 45,000 books will he finished. 15,000 a month for three straight months. Pray the books get to their targets where God wants them to get to and that lives are changed forever. Saved, healed and filled!!

My wife and I drove for 7 hours round trip this morning to attend the nearest church service.
It was so great to have fellowship and totally worth the trip!

This Sunday as you attend your home church, pls rejoice with us!
Another precious soul comes to Christ!

I was able to talk on the phone to both of my boys last night.
Such a treat! 🎉

Imagine....your child leaves home for school in the morning and later that day you discover that the government detained them and all their classmates and sent them to a government quarantine camp because someone in the school was suspected of being exposed to the coronavirus.
This just happened at our sons' secondary school in Hong Kong.
No one at the school was sick.
No one from the school has tested positive.
The detention of all 120 children and sending them to a government quarantine camp was based on POSSIBLE exposure.

To all my Dutch friends, this book about the amazing life of Pastor Zhang Rongliang is now available.
How did a former rising star in the Communist Party become a Christian? How did he start an underground house church movement with over 10 million believers today?
This is a powerful testimony that changed my life forever.

Love Montana State University! Our youngest son, Micah was up at 5 AM this morning in -5C with fellow students helping decorate the streets of Bozeman with flags in honor of Veteran's Day.
So excited for both of our boys and the opportunities they are having in University.

Love Norwich University! Our eldest son spent veteran's day celebrations this week helping the Israeli Consulate General tour the campus.

On one of our SPIE Rigging operations around '97?
Always loved SPIE Rigging as a form of insertion.

Sinobach boosted
Sinobach boosted

I've been active on DD only since January (but created the account berore that). I think the situation in the world, and the FB scandals and censorship, have contributed to the speed I am "dinging". I am only 59 dings away from becoming a NINJA! 😀 💪

Just received these two pictures from the BTJ food distribution in Afghanistan.

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