I will say of the Lord , He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Psalms 91:2 KJV
What is it like to be arrested in China?
Brother Ren recounts one of the times that he was arrested during a raid on a secret meeting
Matthew 6:30-34 #TPT
So if God has clothed the meadow with hay, which is here for such a short time and then dried up and burned, won’t he provide for you the clothes you need—even though you live with such little faith?
“So then, forsake your worries! Why would you say, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear?’
For that is what the unbelievers chase after. Doesn’t your heavenly Father already know the things your bodies require?
“So above all, constantly chase after the realm of God’s kingdom and the righteousness that proceeds from him. Then all these less important things will be given to you abundantly.
Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.“
#Bible #ThePassionTranslation
Prayer Request:
I have the opportunity to serve at a missionary cafe in Galway, Ireland for 6 months to a year. The tentative start date is in June, it's already been delayed once due to covid-19 lockdowns.
Ireland is going to start opening back up at the end of this month, please pray that this all goes well, so the tentative start date becomes official. Also please pray for my pre-visa application to be processed and accepted. Right, now the visa office, to my knowledge, is closed and is not processing visas but will open up with everything else at the end of the month.
Here's a link to the Cafe i will be serving at if anyone wants to know more about their mission:
Thank you to everyone in advance! God is good and everything will work out according to His Will!
Covered, Comforted and Crowned in Christ Jesus
Couvert, Couvé et Couronné en Christ Jésus