On the plane yesterday I watched Downhill with Will Ferrell and Julia Louis-Dreyfus - which is a complete remake of a Swedish movie - which in my opinion - the Americans did better than the original. However, IF Hollywood is going remake a Swedish movie - it SHOULD be "438 Days." A powerful true story about the need for freedom of journalism. Even if you have to watch with English subtitles - this is a movie that is needed for 2021.
Available on YouTube with subtitles.


@sinbach I have watched 438 days. I agree with you that it's a great movie! In addition it is based on a true event. I think we Scandinavians are too naive about what's going on in our world. Even if we hear about evil things, we somehow don't think people can be mean to us since we are kind and nice. 😉 Thinking about the two Norwegian girls in their 20s who were hitchhiking in the Atlas mountains in Morocco a couple of years ago, and were beheaded, which was filmed as well. I suppose these two guys wouldn't have taken this risk if they had been more realistic. But who am I to judge... maybe the movie doesn't give all information needed. One of the men's parents are believers. They prayed all days for them, as did all believers in their village, and a candle burning day and night as a reminder. Thank God they were freed and justice won!

@sinbach sorry for spreading fake news... 😂 The girls were not hitchhiking but hiking, and sleeping in tents (when they were attacked). The wrong word popped up in my head... mistakes you do when it's not your first language.

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