Did you ever watch a movie that traumatized you as a child?
I remember I had chicken pox at 7 years old and stayed home and watched the poltergeist on HBO by myself. I was so scared out of my mind, that I went outside and sat on the front steps of our house until my mother came home from work.

@sinbach poor little boy! I didn't watch much on TV at that age. You know, Finland in the 80s. 😂 We had like only two channels, a small black and white TV, strict religious parents... But in my teens I watched things that scared me... don't remember exactly what movies. As a child we lived in a small town that you could easily go around by bike. All of my closest neighbors were boys, so we were biking a lot, and following the sounds of sirens. I saw a house burning down and it was really scary, and I had terrible nightmares. My parents and I didn't talk about feelings, so they didn't comfort me. I also saw a couple of traumatic traffic accidents with hurt people. It was my own choice to chase for the scary things...

@tanjaostman movies do not necessarily have to be really scary to scare small children. We watched Little House on the Prairie with my boys as they grew up and there was one episode about the plague - and it COMPLETELY traumatized both of my boys. we spent a lot of time with them in prayer and explaining to them that no one was going to die in our family of the plague.


@sinbach wow! I have watched the series as well - really family-friendly. But great that you were sensitive to what was going on in the boys' minds and were able to talk about it and pray!

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