Did you know that Linux was invented 30 years ago in Finland, by a guy called Linus? https://www.helsinkitimes.fi/finland/news-in-brief/20083-linus-torvalds-a-finnish-swede-who-changed-computing-forever.html?fbclid=IwAR1Tjo_jNoCndyQOnCiXp6AHLFC4xQfhpLDrA2zhhFIc_dFQN8ugg03b5Zc
@Berrybunchfamily yes, you're right regarding Nokia! There is even a city close to Tampere called Nokia. But Nokia lost the battle against the Asian brands.
@Berrybunchfamily so true!
@tanjaostman Nokia's were great. They were super simple to use and they never seemed to break!