
I've been trying to fall asleep for 3 hrs in a sleeping bag in the middle of a dark forest together with ten other persons in a tent. It's close to zero degrees celsius outside, but we have a stove with a chimney in the tent, so it's warm. This might sound a little crazy, but in my age living a middle class life I don't want to get too comfortable, so I need to challenge myself. My grandparents were fighting the mighty Soviet army in The Winter War during WW2, in record cold winter with -40°C, to protect the independence of Finland. There are not many hardships that can be compared to that.

@tanjaostman wow that does seem cold. Hope you were able to get some sleep 😬

@bethany I didn't get much sleep. Mostly because people were snoring, and I am easily disturbed - and because we were taking turns filling the iron stove with fire woods every 45 min, and the stove door was making noise, and people were talking and using their torches. But I didn't lose sleep because I was freezing, quite the opposite. It might have been at least 20 degrees C. Outside it was 3 degrees Celsius, but I wore layers of clothing. This was quite an experience!

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