So enjoyed being at the Christmas market tonight in Stockholm.
I truly LOVE this city.

@sinbach wow, great capture! I love Stockholm too! Enjoy your stay!

@tanjaostman @sinbach

I noticed this evening that a bench that used to be at Willys, Fridhemsplan, Kungsholmen, Stockholm had been taken away. I am afraid the motivation is to get rid of “EU-migranter” that is how Gypsies are called here. Vardagsrasism fast på Söndag.

@otso @sinbach Who are you Otso? A Finn living in Sweden? Male or female? How did you find your way to DingDash? Honestly, it just feels strange for me to discuss political or personal topics with people I know nothing about or what their motives are. I remember that you have provoked Sinbach with your comments before on his postings, so I am not sure he is so eager to reply to a comment like this, that has nothing to do with julmarknad.

@tanjaostman @otso @sinbach You can always defederate, but... is it truly your mission becoming an echo chamber?
@tanjaostman @sinbach

“How did you find your way to DingDash?”

I didn’t do anything for to find DingDash, it was there as part of the Known Network.

DingDash is a Mastodon instance visible to all other instances on Fediverse.

DingDash can choose to defederate itself from the network, then it will be visible only to DingDash users.

I am not a DingDash user, I have my own instance.
@tanjaostman @sinbach

"Male or female?"

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)

@otso @tanjaostman Ta det lugnt. Det skulle vara för tidigt om du aldrig svarade.

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