
In this episode @sinbach talks about the war and the refugee crises in Europe. I feel honoured and touched that he makes comparisons with, and tell about, the Finnish Winter War during WWII against the Russian army. ❤️ 🙏 There are few that can place Finland (and many other foreign countries) on a map, and Eugene knows not only where the countries are, but also have visited them and knows a lot of details about them.

Please pray for Finland and Sweden, for protection! I don't know what could possibly happen, but these days are traumatic/emotional for Finns, both because of the former wars against Russia, and because of the indirect threaths Putin has uttered.

Please pray for our president Sauli Niinistö that will leave for the USA tomorrow for an appointment with Joe Biden! (I shared a statement from our president in an earlier post today). As you might know Finland and Sweden are among the few nations in Europe that are not members of NATO.

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