
Has anyone of you watched the documentary 2000 mules? I just watched the trailer, and was blown away. It's just insane that this kind of election fraud can exist. But there are surveillance cameras that have caught these criminal persons that exterminate votes. I'm not American, so I might have misunderstood the voting system from the trailer. Do you put your vote in a kind of mailbox?

I've seen the trailer, and it looks compelling but just based on what we already know and what hasn't been disputed there is cause for concern. So one thing that was so controversial about the 2020 election is that mail in ballots were previously only for medical necessity or reasons such as deployed in the military out of the country. Before the election universal mail in ballots were pushed through various state legislatures due to covid which meant that in many states ballots were given out to the wrong address, and people who didn't request ballots were given mail in ballots sent through the mail with no chain of custody. We normally have election day but in this case the counting went on for more than a week and there were a lot of shady circumstances including kicking out the observers after telling them a pipe had broken, blocking the windows and continuing to count through the night. Stacks of mail in ballots which had never been folded, surveillance video of stacks of ballots being run through counting machines several times. There were many cases of people voting with residential addresses listed which were just empty lots. It was an absolute mess, but that is not normal. Time Magazine even documented what they called a 'shadow campaign from a cabal of elites to fortify the election'. Here's the article but it's paywalled now.

@tanjaostman no in person it is electronic and has been for quite awhile. It should be that our agencies do work that makes tampering exceedingly difficult but I haven’t looked into it. Then there are absentee ballots.

@tanjaostman seems like quite a polished and well funded film.hadn’t heard of it

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