Also, most of the U.S. population lives in the east, and the westerns states, other than the coastal areas, are almost completely empty!
But we also have thousands of square miles of wilderness area, and there is also environmental lobbying against building rail through those regions. Getting something like that approved is next to impossible.
@tanjaostman I loved a train ride to the Grand Canyon National Park last year.. many moon’s ago I made a short trip north from Frankfurt to Casold(sp. ?). At 81 yrs Amtrak (USA) train was just what I liked! The viewing car with small seats facing large windows brought a wonderful view of scenery … desert plains & mountains… then the Grand Canyon was spectacular…. I see God’s might better there! … yes the Alps were wonderful … I was blessed to take a long trip central Germany to Taragona Spain & back … over the mountain passes!
I wish we had more light rail here in the USA, I would use it.
The reason we don't is because we invested heavily in the airlines. This is because we are a lot more spread out population wise than Europe, and light rail would compete with the airlines.
In short, we have political lobbying here that would not take kindly to the U.S. government competing with the airlines.
That's why 😐