I live in a strange country, I know! 😀 Some find it attractive, and others weird. (I think it's a combination of both). I have lived in two other countries as well, and grown up among Swedish speaking Finns in Finland, with our own culture - something in between Finland and Sweden. That means I can identify both with Finns and Swedes, and simultaneously feel like neither a Finn nor a Swede.
@faith20 thanks for sharing! It's so upsetting that they don't follow the science. But it's the same logic all over the world. And they always mention negative testing as an option for green pass. But is it even possible to keep a job in Italy and go testing every second or third day? In many countries these tests are extremely expensive, if you have to pay for them yourself.
@MaryMamuzich I totally agree with you! 😀 Excuse me for laughing, but it sounded funny that the scarf was perfect.... for a Barbie doll! Sound like my skills! And you are right, it's not good for the shoulders. It wouldn't be a great hobby for me, since I sit so much by the computer. It gives me muscle tensions. I need to move my whole body and exercise in my spare time.
@MaryMamuzich yes, it's a lot of work, and the thing is she has knitted at least a handful more of these to her children and grandchildren! I haven't knitted since we had knitting in school up til grade 9. In Finnish schools the students learn the basics of sewing and knitting. They knit scarves, socks and mittens...
PhD Julie Ponesse, professor of ethics in Ontario. She was fired, because she refused the jab. She chose to belive the scientific papers written by her colleagues, rather than media, and came to the conclusion that she didn't want the vaccine.
Matthew 22:36-40
New International Version
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
The Powerful Pfizer Presentation That Got Dr. Robert Malone Kicked Off Twitter
Pfizer's own vaccine trial data shows an INCREASED risk of illness and death for the vaccinated.
The truth about Facebook! 😆 😁
@davereimer Thanks for your honesty! 😀 😉 It only proves that it is NOT easy to point out the states on a map even if you are American.
How many states do you score? I scored no more than 69 % in 6 minutes. My son (13 yrs) scored 100 % in 2 minutes. That's impressing, as he has never visited the USA or studied its geography in school. But he has printed a map from the internet that going has in his room. I think the coastal states are the easiest, and those around the big lakes.
@Kruselady here's the answer! I knew Alaska and Texas were the biggest states, then I guessed California was top five. But I had no idea Montana and New Mexico were top five.
@Kruselady thank you! Almost correct - but I'll wait with sharing the answer if someone else would like to give it a try! 😉
Swedish-speaking Finn from Finland. Wife, mother of one boy (2008). Teaching special education at the local university. I belive that the Organic Church/House Church is the NT way of doing Church. I'm interested in what's going on in the underground Church and I pray for the persecuted Christians.