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The founder of Satanist church of South Africa encounters Jesus Christ! He mentions that he used to be in Christian ministry before becoming Satanist. Isn't it quite common that Westerners who are atheists or Satanists have grown up in church and are disappointed with Christianity/Christians?

The paradox when following Christ.
"I thought if I could drift away
From the deepest pain in me
I could just swim somehow
But Your love's pulling me down, pulling me down, pulling me down
Now I'm in a valley, looking up
You have never felt so close
Canyons all around me, stars above
Meet me in the depths below
Where the lost is found
Where the broken is crowned
Where souls rise up from the ground
You got me in the valley looking up
Where the misfits, they fit in
Where death brings life again
Where the lonely won't be alone
Where the orphans have a home
Where I don't have to be
Anything but what You made me
Where repentance is glorious
Our scars tell the stories
Of a current of love that's surrounding."

This is ridiculous. Everything can cause heart attacks, except from an experimental drug. Even snow shoveling (not in any of these pictures, since it'spossibleto share only 4 pics). If that would be the case, Finns would be extinct. 😂

Control and manipulation of others is witchcraft. Control and manipulation to make people obey you, in God's name, is not from the Spirit. Quite the opposite. Trust the Lord is doing his work in others, and pray God's will be done in their lives - not your will. Every single person can be lead by the Spirit and have direct access to the father without any mediator, according to the NT. Jesus is our high priest and mediator. He was the end of the OT temple worship, by being The high priest, The temple, and The perfect Lamb that was sacrificed. No human beings, buildings, entity or deeds, can replace that. We either choose Jesus, or Christian (or other) religion. But the NT says that we are under the curse if we trust our own righteousness instead of Jesus'. No human being is perfect, except from the second Adam, the son of God. The only perfect man.

I'm so happy that we got to travel by plane to the UK - you never know if they will will make it harder again to travel. It's so healthy for us who live in the European country with the least densely population to see other parts of the world, and especially western Europe's biggest city. We loved it and had so much fun. I'm so impressed with all polite and kind Brits that we have met. They live in a very crowded place, and are still patient with tourists. We happened to come during the biggest rail strike in 30 years, and made it anyway to @Berrybunchfamily and back by train. Now we're sitting on a train home, instead of a connection flight (due to delays in Heathrow). A great part of our journey has been about waiting, rescheduling, planning, and going from point A to B. My son googled that the average speed in London is 12 km/hrs for vehicles. That's slower than we cycle, so we rented Santander bikes a lot. They have 800 docking stations in London, and cost GBP 2 per 30 min.

A perfect trip when you get to see both a big city, the countryside and the sea. I love the sea! Thanks to @Berrybunchfamily we got to experience more than just London.

Beautiful London! These are only a fraction of the pictures I've already taken in just one day. And we have only seen a portion of all we have planned to see. The most interesting and beautiful things in this city are for free. I'm stunned by the old, advanced architecture.

When you have heard of the airport chaos in Europe, and arrive well in advance at your local airport... it took us about 5 + 5 minutes to check in and go through security control. No queues. 😂 Now we have to kill time. Small-town problems...

"Specialised in Chinese language and culture, Confucius Institutes have been criticised as a part of Beijing's soft power push. These centres have cropped up on some 500 university campuses across the globe."

"Something else in our relative’s gospel presentation stood out: her claim that “Jesus can set you free from fear and save you from eternal death.” These words were medicine for my soul and food for my hungry heart. I had never heard such words of peace and reassurance from any spiritual leader in the Islamic world."

This was quite touching to watch. "As a police officer, Chad Robichaux had to make a life-or-death decision. As a Force Recon Marine serving as part of a Joint Special Operations Command Task Force, he witnessed unspeakable evil. Eight tours later those memories still haunted him."
Sometimes I wonder how soldiers who serve in wars make it mentally. They seem so fearless. But Chad says many suffer from PTSD, 80% go through divorce, and around 20 veterans kill themselves every day. Chad, who served in Afghanistan, wouldn't have made it without the help of God. Now he and his wife help veterans.

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