This woman was so brainwashed with wokeism in college, that her mom contacted a cult specialist!
I agree with this instagrammer that Swedish, Norwegian and Danish are very closely related. As a Swedish speaker I understand Norwegian almost perfectly, and I understand Danish better written than spoken, because the pronunciation is quite unclear compared to Norwegian. It's more unusual that Scandinavians communicate in English than using our mother tongues. Especially Norwegians are good at understanding Swedish and Danish. They watch Swedish television, and they are used to different dialects. Most people (not even Swedes or Finns) don't know that in the area where I live in Finland there are people who speak very old Swedish (!) dialects, even older than most Swedish dialects in Sweden. These dialects have lots of similarities with some Norwegian dialects, and even some similarities with Icelandic, which is one of the oldest Nordic languages.
In the Nordic countries we love to joke about one another. 🇧🇻 🇩🇰 🇫🇮🇸🇪 🇮🇸
Listen and learn about what's going on in Iran! These two Christian Iranian women tell (in English) about things that you don't hear in mainstream media. Despite all killings, they are hopeful.
Evolution of kantele (Finnish harp). Ida Elina is so talented.
For appr. 15 years I’ve been longing for a more NT way of doing church, and was excited when I discovered books about it. But where I live most Christians are more concerned about traditions and to be faithful to their relatives (who often belong to the same church), than abut seeking the truth. Yesterday I was asked for the first time in all these years if I want to teach on the topic of Organic Church/House Church, and it made my happy! It was in a home group we joined a year ago, with other unvaxxed – not because we felt superior, but because we were excluded from the rest of society. They even implemented covid passports for a while.
I share some PPT slides with English quotes, and books that I recommend on this topic (there are many more books, but I own these). I included BTJ books by @sinbach in the list – not that they explicitly teach about house church, but they show examples of people who gather in underground house churches, even if they might not know that it's Biblical.
"President Niinistö: Finland has no intention of siting nuclear arms on its territory" (I really hope it's true... )
Swedish-speaking Finn from Finland. Wife, mother of one boy (2008). Teaching special education at the local university. I belive that the Organic Church/House Church is the NT way of doing Church. I'm interested in what's going on in the underground Church and I pray for the persecuted Christians.