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Bad news regardning mRNA-vaccines. "However, emerging evidence suggests that the reported increase in IgG4 levels detected after repeated
vaccination with the mRNA vaccines may not be a protective mechanism; rather, it constitutes an
immune tolerance mechanism to the spike protein that could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2
infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses. Increased IgG4 synthesis due to
repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases,
and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals." (Published May 17, 2023, in Vaccines Journal)

Masks don't work (studies show they are harmful), lock downs don't work (studies show they are harmful), mRNA "vaccines" don't work (studies show they are harmful) and the treatments they have given in hospitals in the Western don't work (studies show they are harmful). I am prone to believe those who say this is a PLandemic, and the plan was to harm humanity - not to help and heal. I am not in the medical field, but still I understand, and understood from the beginning, that things weren't done properly. I'm not in the medical field, but I have hundreds of scientific articles in my computer. I don't understand that there are people working in the medical field, journalist, politicians etc. who still believe the narrative. And claim that they believe science and follow science! It's a joke! They follow the money, and Pfizer's statements. Have they read any serious research? I suppose they are not interesting in learning the truth.

"A 9-year-old article in the Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice shows that the concept of evidence-based medicine, which was launched in the 1990s and has become a byword for high-quality healthcare, has been hijacked and distorted by pharmaceutical companies.

The simplest explanation for this is that evidence-based studies are usually funded by pharmaceutical companies; at the time of writing, the industry paid for 67-75% of all studies.../...

Pharmaceutical companies are multinational corporations that want to generate profits for their shareholders, and in order to make their new proprietary drug look better, they systematically use various more or less sophisticated and deceptive methods." (This summary is written by a group of Swedish doctors that I follow on Telegram, "Läkaruppropet".)

Amos 5:21-24. (Don't blame me for sharing God's opinions! 😆😉)

Shackled by @sinbach is translated into Swedish! 🙌 🙏 👍

(Av Sjöbergs förlag)

I'm not American, and I'm not as much into American politics as most of you here on DD and in particular @sinbach who understands both the USA and China. But I've followed DC Draino (a lawyer who got his share of Los Angeles and moved to Florida) for a while, and think he shares smart stuff. That's why I dare to share this. You can disagree (and I'm happy if you motivate why, so I learn). 😊

Thailand might be the first country to nullify the contract with Pfizer! I pray truth will be revealed. 🙏 The reason this started is because a 44-year-old Thai princess has been in coma for three weeks since her third jab. The Thai royalties are regarded much higher, than European royalties. What's going on with the princess upsets the people. (You can follow redacted on Telegram. YouTube use to censor these kind of stuff sooner or later).

I was crying when I heard that children in Finland aged 12 and older were 'strongly recommended' to wear masks in school. We are a very obedient people, and people control each other, so you don't have to legislate such things. How easy is it for a child to stand against peer pressure and teachers? I bought my son textile masks, but my heart sank as they got to cover themselves in his new school (from grade 7) and not get to see each other. To be fearful. Not be able to breathe properly. And so on. I was 100 % against it, but most Finns were not. Some are still using them!

"We lie to you news" - directly from Davos. 🤣
Comedians are oftentimes the best truth tellers, right?

"I don't know if this is going
But I know who holds my hand
It's not the path I would've chosen
But I'll follow You 'til the end
Lord, as long as I am breathing
I will make Your glory known
Even if it means I'm walking
On this desert road"

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