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We lost connection with the Sri Lankan team. As internet is disconnected. please pray.

On Mother's day a believer from a Buddhist country shared the following story. A Buddhist teacher told her class the Garden of Eden story. However she told them that God created Moses and Eve. This believer stood up and corrected her saying 'no Ma'am his name was Adam. The teacher figured out that the student is a Christian got angry at her and send her out of the class. Also warned her that she will be never allowed to attend this teacher's class again. Later the daughter talked to her mother over the phone. To comfort the daughter the mother sang "Yes God is Good" in different languages. And counseled her to be bold and never be ashamed to stand up for Jesus.
On "Mother's day she remembers this with great admiration for her mother.
Next in the agenda for elementary school board meetings: after school Satan club for children? Yay or nay?

Answer: Wt crap?!!? Seriously?! Are you freaking kidding me?

Seriously, this felt like my day today.
Forgot credit card at restaurant, had to drive back 6 hours to get it.
Health insurance wants to drop us because we are not in China and wife needs both knees replaced.
Son in bootcamp calls today, but can't get through because WIFI is weak. So we missed our first call in 2 weeks.
US ESTA visa can't make distinguishing marks so my wife's security clearance to attend son's graduation in June won't go through because we don't know was one of the digits on the visa an "l" (little L) and "I" (capital I) or a "1"
I can identify with this pic so much today.

Urgent prayers needed for Pastor D" Light ' (not the real name).
Lever affected, allergies, vaccination reaction , etc, etc

Undergoing medical tests and investigation now. He is known to abandon treatment in the middle.

Please pray for his team, Elders and ministry spread in several Towns.

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