It is totally MESSED up that Biden demands that I, as an American citizen, be tested for COVID before being allowed to return to America. Meanwhile! Illegals crossing the border into America ILLEGALLY are allowed to enter with NO TESTING - AND! AND! AND! given a free bus pass to travel ANYWHERE they would like to go. 😡 🤬
Sorry, rant over.


@sinbach even you need to rant from time to time 😅 When I look at all the "life saving" policies enforced by governments, cancel culture, "I'm offended" mindset, travel ban, lockdowns.. it all looks like a massive, coordinated attack on Mathew 28, 19-20. Maybe, just maybe, the enemy is firing from all his guns because he knows that something BIG is coming. Or maybe I'm just daydreaming?
Sending my warmest greetings!

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