I LOVE buying used books for this reason. I recently picked up The Case for Christ (Lee Strobel), and found this note inside.

"This is a story of a man critically searching for the truth and interpreting it from a legal standpoint. I thought you may find it interesting and possibly enlightening! Much Love."
The back reads: "I'm not going to check you have read it. It's totally up to you. Comes with a hug though"

I really pray whoever was given this book, found their way to the truth of Christ.


@bethany well... once I spent 2$ on a worn-out, yellowed paper book on an auction.

It was called:
"Back to Jerusalem: Three Chinese House Church Leaders Share Their Vision to Complete the Great Commission"

And this book brought me on a path of an amazing adventure.

Maybe there is a special angelic division designated ONLY to move ceratin books in front of our noses 😂

@tymektt how have I never heard that story from you before! That's so cool

@bethany I've found that one shortly after reading "The Heavenly Man", I really wanted to find out more about the BTJ and Brother Yun.
And soon afterward I've started listening to a very specific podcast with an explosive intro 🤣

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