
Advice for wives:
When a woman desires to change a man, she is essentially communicating an attitude of superiority towards him. “If only he was as neat/spiritual/smart/thoughtful as I am!”
Her demands, criticisms, not-so-subtle hints, comparisons, and constant nagging accomplish nothing. Instead of eliciting a change within his heart, these tactics almost always have the opposite effect.
More than anything else, a man wishes to be accepted for who he is. Instead of focusing on any faults, a woman can accept her man by always seeking to look towards his better side.
In respecting his convictions, preferences, dreams, abilities and ways of doing things, she communicates both honor and respect.
Learning how to be an excellent wife requires a tremendous amount of humility. Without this foundation, change will be difficult! A woman striving for virtue must always possess a teachable heart. Only then can she ever hope to be her husband’s crown and dearest companion.
-Paulina M. Prieto

I feel like I have the best wife ever!

Unfortunately I grew up seeing a lot of bad attitudes and criticisms one for another in my parents, probably more so in my mom than dad.
But thank God that He has given me a humble wife with a great big heart to serve our family and she's so tender and considerate with her words, just to mention a few things. There are many, many, many other attributes/things about her that I love, but I don't want to sound boastful.
Only to boast upon the Lord Jesus Christ!
Praise God, the Word of God is true! He is Faithful!

@OneofTen That is beautiful! AMEN! May God richly Bless her for her sweet and Godly living and loving!

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