Photo by Petri Leinonen. I just shared a YouTube clip with the Northern lights (aurora borealis). This is real, not photoshopping!

@tanjaostman That is really pretty. It almost makes me like Winter. I have only seen them once or twice in person around Wisconsin because am usually further South. What is the latest and earliest you see them way up in Finland, dear sis?

@xixiangdong They are visible in Finland between September and March, according to the Visit Finland website. I see them extremely seldom, but I suppose I should be more alert when they are about to appear. They are much more frequent in Lapland (northern Finland, Sweden and Norway).

So it ALMOST makes you like winter. πŸ˜‚ I understand you. We are so "spoiled" with very long, dark and cold winters, that I like summers more. A tropical beach is the most exotic thing I can experience. To visit a beach/an island in Spain, Greece, Thailand, Goa... is paradise for me (even if the countries are not paradises on earth).

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