The president of Finland interviewed by Fox News last night, during his short visit to the USA. He's probably the president who has met Putin more than any other leader. They ask about Putin. Finnish politicians have learned to choose their words wisely when discussing Russia, and talking to Russian leaders. By meeting with the president of the United States, with the CIA, and two prominent Republican leaders as well, he is signaling very strongly that we are leaning towards the USA. But he doesn't want to talk openly about NATO, because he doesn't want to provoke Russia. The fact that the top leaders of USA have rescheduled to meet with our president on a short notice tells a lot of the seriousness. And our president is a trustworthy, experienced politician. Today the Swedish prime minister and defense minister will come to Finland to meet with our president. Please continue to pray for Ukraine and Russia but even for Finland and Sweden!
( @sinbach )

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