Got our ration of diesel, so Jo can do all 4 days at work this week

Next week is far away (& scripture tells us take things 1 day at a time) - so we'll deal with it 1 day at a time

People are aggressive, impatient, irritable on edge. shop staff are nervous and quickly defensive - me not trying to put in more than the ration they set, invoked a shocked smile and a visible relaxing of her shoulders (perhaps also because the guy in front of me at the till had just jumped the queue, in front of me in the shop, just because he could, because he was on a motorbike, before spilling petrol everywhere because his guilt was obvious for all to see - so not worth it...petrol on a hot motoribke?!?)

A chap with Jerry cans apologised profusely, but pointed out he was a gardener and that was for his livelihood. At least he didn't try and push in front of me, but I did challenge him as he was edging in between me & the motorbike and tensions were plenty high enough already.

Madness and fear!!

@Berrybunchfamily wow, that's crazy! Is this a usual thing or a temporary shortage?

@MaryMamuzich last time I remember was late 90s was when petrol tanker truck drivers went on strike


@Berrybunchfamily @MaryMamuzich I do pray this issue is soon resolved. Not so many months ago I was traveling and unaware that I was traveling to an area with a similar situation. I prayed and saw God's hand provide in amazing ways! After many locations being without fuel, I stopped at one that I thought may have been in service. No. They were empty too! I inquired as to whether the attendant could direct me to another location to find fuel. With a dejected face, she replied, "No, everyone is looking". Then, she said, "Wait! I just saw a (fuel) truck go that way" and went on to tell me where I could check. It happened to be on my route and, sure enough, I was able to refuel without so much as a wait! I believe it was Divine guidance and provision. I pray you will experience the same favor and provision and continue to shine as a light in the midst of the fear and chaos.

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