What's going on with some (ex) celebrities in Los Angeles? Is California a harsher place than other states? There are too many Hollywood celebrities that die young, who overdose, who are addicted to different things etc. They have everything (fame, money) - but are distressed and unhappy. Some seem to be under demonic oppression. Did they sell their soul to Mammon, and then lost everything? We don't have anything like Hollywood in the Nordic countries, we don't have as many extremely rich people and so much luxury, or as many people living in poverty or as homeless as there. We don't have as much illegal drugs here. I don't see homeless people in Finland - I sometimes see drug addicts in the streets, but they have homes or shelters, and I've never seen someone here sleeping in tents or in the street. I'm always a little shocked when I hear about someone that has been a celebrity, and has ended up in the street. The contrasts are so stark!


@tanjaostman Hi Tanja, my message is a bit long so I'm going to split it up into segments. Unfortunately, drug addiction is a huge problem in the U.S. and as I'm sure you know, it will ruin anyone's life no matter who they are and what their life was like before. The common thing that draws people to drugs is that they are desperately lost and looking for that which only God can fulfill.

She is no more lost than she was before - it has taken a different form and yes, it is so tragic to see the ravages of sin in someone's life. We don't have to look farther than our own life! While Loni Willison is still alive, there's still hope for her to come to the Lord. We can pray for that.

I live in California but I have no idea of the answer to your question about whether it's harsher in this state.

As we look around, we see evidences of this fallen world everywhere. We know that everyone living outside of Jesus Christ is in darkness. The details differ but it's all darkness.



@Susan @tanjaostman I agree with this. It's so true that she was as lost before as she is now. Money and fame don't bring peace or true hope. This world needs Jesus. He is the true Answer for each one of us. It is sad when people celebrate the downfall of celebrities. Tanja, I don't know how it is in every case, but I have noticed a pattern of ruin for a lot of celebrities. They face so much pressure and stress that it often leads them to seek an escape through dangerous behaviors. Those who benefit from their talents or beauty or whatever their unique merit do not care about them. They only care about the money and attention it brings their industry.

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