@MaryMamuzich @Olamide Love that - totally agree. Surely the only way we can have the mind of Christ is if our minds are renewed
@Olamide renewing my mind ,I fill it with God's word. Memorize Scripture. I also personalize it and proclaim it out loud so my ears hear it as well. For instance, I will say I am a new creature in Christ, my old things have passed away, behold everything is new in me and to me.
I believe we should have both heart and head knowledge of the Word of God . Thus our responses to our life W0situations are based on the Word of God which has renewed our mind and heart. The Holy Spirit will prompt us.
@Olamide for me it's... keeping Jesus -God - not me being the authority of my life.
I think if my heart is sensitive to Him then my mind will be in step with the Holy Spirit.
That a good question to chew on!