I had someone call me and initially commend me for my Work in Missions.....then toward the end of the call.....the Minister said....- hey, what's going on with hair, do you know some people wont accept you... we need to talk about your hair -
I said, what??!!!!!! Talk about what?!
...and there was silence...
@tanjaostman Thank you and thank you!
What you've said means so so much to me!!
@Olamide beloved I meant.
@tanjaostman why are you trying to make me cry?...Being Loved is such a boost I tell you!!!!!
Please pray for me....I'm off to train Ministers for 3 days...will be away form home for 5 days...
@Olamide thanks for sharing! I will pray for you. 🙏 Please keep us updated how it's going!
@Olamide @tanjaostman praying brother
@Kruselady @tanjaostman thank you thank you!
@Olamide @tanjaostman
I will be lifting you and your family to the most powerful throne! I pray for hearts to be prepared for the words God gives and that to gospel will spread like a crazy wildfire!
@tanjaostman @Olamideyes indeed. And thank you Lord for making Brother O. and his willingness and desire to obey you
@Olamide I'm happy to hear that! You are the Lord's belved, and a warrior. And you cheer up the DingDash family with your humor!