
Before Marriage...and after wedding Ndidi! Marrying right made me handsome!!! 😂
I tell you my Wife had a lot of Faith!!!!!
I was broke...not handsome to behold...all I had going for me was a passion to reach people for Jesus!
My Wife is amazing and a bag of Chips!!!

@Olamide what a man o

not sure there can be much better than a passion to reach people, but it does help when your wife 'gets' that too

i am similarly blessed

when we had both left our jobs around 2 years ago, Jo - looking intently at my eyes, which still makes me stop and listen - said she was going to work so I could continue in my ministry

and she's done exactly that

but, yes, marriage does look good on you brother 😜

@Olamide I pray God bless Ndidi! To anoint him to preach the Mighty Gospel and live it! To bless his marriage ..draw them closer together each day & bless with many children! For a man to stand strong.. he greatly needs the help mate encouraging him!

@richardafaherty Amen and Amen!!
Thank you so so so much!
Wow! I appreciate this so much!!!

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