So I did a thing !

I clicked the publish button for my first book...which means the eBook will be available for pre-order within the next 72 hours.

Both the paperback version, and eBook version, will be published - on Amazon from Friday 25th March.

Feeling both nervous and excited for my new little baby - Broken Dreams, and Hope!

Andy B


Congratulations Andy! Where can we read more about your book?

@Susan thanks so much. I'll be honest, I'm feeling super excited and super worried all at the same time - will anybody buy it, or like, or read it?

So thrilled to have done this, and got this far. It's definitely something new I've done!!

Https:// is the best place



Hello Andy, Once again, praising the Lord for bringing this book to completion and for His Glory!!! It is no coincidence that you have written this book for the hour in which we live! In response to your message, may I remind you of what you already know well, that the Lord gave you the rich life experience as well as the words and the vision for this book to reach, encourage, strengthen and transform many hearts and souls with the Hope of Glory that is found only in Christ Jesus our Lord! And so, I pray for the Holy Spirit to prepare the minds and hearts of those whom He will reach through this book. I pray that it will have exponential outreach in transforming souls for the Kingdom of God. We don't need large selling numbers (I hope you agree) we need transformed hearts and lives, one by one, beginning with us.

Congratulations once again on the book's completion! I am excited for how the Lord will use it to transform many hearts and bring glory to His name!!!


Sorry for the message
disappearance. - I was editing. 🙂

@Susan not a problem. I was worried is done something wrong to make it disappear

Andy B

@Susan super encouraging Thankyou.

I agree - numbers aren't the goal here! I just want people to know that no matter what they are going through, whoever they are, irrespective of what they have done, there is a hope that can overcome all of those things.

Your prayers are very much in line with prayers from another faithful sister!!

I'm overwhelmed by your kind comments, and encouragement.

Thank you

Andy B


Hi again Andy, thank you for your message. I knew you would agree! Excerpting from your message and inserting '(you)': "I want (you) to know that no matter what (you) are going through, whoever (you) are, irrespective of what (you) have done, there is a Hope that can overcome all of those things.". This can be used for any publicity for the book - whether on social media - even in your church family. God's blessings to you and your family!

@Susan that's awesome. Jo had been thinking it, but hadn't yet said anything. Thankyou.

We'll factor that in.

Thanks again

Andy B


Thank you for your kind words too Andy! Love and blessings in our Lord to you & Jo and your family!

@Susan you're very welcome.

I've just added those words to the book listing on Amazon.

Andy B


All praise and glory to our Lord!!! Thank you for letting me know! 🙂


Thank you Andy! Much love to you and Jo and the BB Family as well as to all of my DD brothers and sisters! 🙂

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