This week, a man punches a woman in the face on a subway train full of men. Not one man does anything to help the woman, protect her from further assault, or to detain the man from assaulting the woman again. 😢
The woman stands there alone. Vulnerable. Hurting. She has been punched, threatened, and the man threatening her is in her face promising to do it again and NOT ONE MAN DOES ANYTHING to protect her from this open, aggressive, violence.
Is Christian chivalry dead? Do Christian men have an obligation to respond?

@sinbach how are people just going to stand there like that??? It's not even about Christian men. Everyone on that train had an obligation to respond. This kind of stuff just... 🤬


@Will @sinbach as true and as beautifully poetic as that may be, your profile picture still bothers me

@bethany @sinbach that picture is a reminder of the right of good men to do something so evil can not prevail. 😀

@Will @sinbach it's also reminder that you were too indecisive.about choosing a picture and after two days of deciding, chose.... that

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