@sinbach Please tell us how our brothers and sisters in China "pray for those in authority" over them. Since we have entered a new world order, we need mentors.
@gladflicka not many people will like the answer, but i talk about it here in this podcast
@sinbach absolutely stupid. Moses instructed the people to choose capable leaders to make judgments. Exodus 18. Yeshua didn't vote. Obviously. He wasn't eligible. But He had plenty to say to both Roman officials. How do you possess the land with this I don't care attitude? Was Wilberforce wrong? That was the attitude of the German Church in the 30s. Don't get involved. Hideous and utterly sinful attitude. Forget abortion and sex trafficking? Fight for nothing?
@gladflicka understand. As I said in the podcast, we do not have to agree with them, but it is worth hearing them out. I felt that they made a very biblical argument. the husband Jason - retired from the US Marine Corps after doing several tours of duty. His wife lived with him in Okinawa for several years and also worked for the military before his retirement.
What I like about our podcast is that we don't just bring on people that agree with a certain viewpoint, but we try to bring on people that think differently than us. I have often found that people that I strongly disagree with today are people that I agree with tomorrow. I am not done growing and I am not done learning. I am a student and i love conversations with people that Love God - even if we disagree. Iron sharpens iron best when they are going opposite directions.
I hope that makes sense.