@sinbach I can't seem to get on to the back to Jerusalem website. Just wanted to make you aware. It is requiring a captcha, I put it in correctly and it still wont let me in.
What the...? seriously, what happened to me yesterday when I bought a new phone in China FREAKED me out!
Prophecy and the Pope's deal with China
came across this in bible reading today. We have already won the war! Acts 5:38-39
38 So in the present case, I say to you, stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or [a]action is of men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them; or else you may even be found fighting against God.”
@sinbach you mentioned in your podcast that you though android was safer but isn't android based entirely off of google? I try to avoid google at ALL costs!
Christian bookstore owner given 7 years in prison and now police going to evey bookstore customers home looking for books.
BREAKING: "Pope Francis asking For The Nations Of The World To Hand Their Reins Of Power Over To The UN. He Said It Will Lead Us All Into The New World Order"
NO MORE WOLF HIDING IN SHEEPS CLOTHING! Biblical prophesy! Disease, then 'protect us with MANDATORY VACCINE,' One World Government. Famines & more diseases in line.
Mostly all world leaders supports this asinine proposal. Is it 2 late to prevent them from becoming 2 powerful? The people waited far 2 long
I am living with some of the most liberal and lost people I have ever met and my heart just breaks for them. They know my stances but never have i ever really felt so laughed at and seen as "stupid" for my faith and beliefs than now. I find it strangely comforting though praise Jesus! I can relate to Him on a new level now! My heart is so burdened for this couple though. Prayers are appreciated.