
This was one of my first Gospel 8 Tracks after I became a Christian. I have not heard this song in almost 30 years, but after hearing the first notes, I jumped right in singing along KNOWING EVERY WORD! Young people might HATE this music, but it goes down like warm comfort food for my soul.
This is my roots.

@sinbach I love this! Thank you for sharing! I remember singing this in church when I was very young. I too could sing along with all the words. A good way to start my day! Thanks!

@sinbach these never lose their influence nor meaning to the goodness, faithfulness, grace and promises of our awesome God...our incorporates hyms in our praise and worship time...great song, thanks for sharing

@sinbach OH MY GOSH!!! He was my Aunts favorite. She passed in Jan. We are having her memorial today and playing a Elvis song. She gave me all her records. Please pray for me not to lose it today.

Similarly my first gospel album as a young Christian was an Elvis Gospel compilation cassette. My second was Walter Hawkins and his Love Centre Choir album "Love Alive 2"

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