I am not a person who usually blocks others on social media, but the last two weeks I have blocked three persons on DingDash. All of them with anonymous profiles, two of them my followers. I suppose all three were from the Mastadon network. The combination anonymity and ad hominem – attacking a person instead of attacking an argument, makes me lose my patience. It’s the lowest form of argumentation. Yesterday someone called @sinbach names in my post, just because he is American and a former military. That was too much for this person to handle, so he used the argumentum ad hominem.
After 14 years on FB I don’t have the same patience anymore. I’ve been kind and polite to people that haven’t been kind or polite to me. I don’t want the same thing on DD. Don't expect me to respect your opinions if I don't know anything about you. I don't understand why people are so anonymous, if they don't have to for security reasons (like missionaries).


@tanjaostman great thing is - DingDash is sooo easy to block people.
thanx for the friendship and kind words.

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