What is sin? Don't see your thought here? Feel free to message me.
@speakthetruth yea - I am guilty of them all.
@speakthetruth Brother, all those 4 and a hundred more. My first answer would have been: "missing the mark"
Fred, not sure what you're asking here. Can you clarify? If you're still looking for an answer, that is...
@Rinati What law is this verse talking about?
In that passage, transgressing the law is equivalent to committing lawlessness. So whoever commitd sin is committing lawlessness. Lawlessness is the state of acting/operating apart from God. We commit lawlessness by operating out of our sin nature and not under the law of righteousness that comes from living by the spirit of Messiah that is to be dwelling in us as born-again believers.
@speakthetruth It seem that he's saying that sin is when we break God's law. Gods law is defined as the commandments in the first five books of the Bible. However we all know that Jesus said the entire law and prophets hang upon two commands, love God and love people. If you keep reading in 1 John 3:18-24. He makes it clear what God's commands are for us now. He shows without a doubt that God's law for us is to beleive in Jesus Christ and to love each other. Failing to do this is sin.
@ChrisHarrison God's law is the entire word of God. The whole thing.
According to first John 3:4 the answer for this is. Transgression of the law. Can anyone tell me what this law is?