
There seems to be heatwaves all over the USA and mid and southern Europe. What is it like where you all live? We have only around 22°C (70°F). It seems it won't come here. They say in the clip that UK has reached a record. 40°C (104 F) in London. What about where you live @Berrybunchfamily?

@tanjaostman we only really hit 30 degrees in the house here

But the humidity picked up yesterday evening, which made for an uncomfortable night

Very cool and breezy today though

@tanjaostman @Berrybunchfamily in Kansas 100 to 102 with high humidity some days .. 105 is common a few days this time of year! I remember 113 many yrs ago! I am praying for rain & cooler days! I grew up with no air conditioning but have gotten use to needing it in my old age! Our temperatures are normal for this season! In Kansas the next season is always welcome! We range from 105 in summer to - 5 normally! However we typically have high humidity sometimes near 100 percent with the heat!

@richardafaherty @tanjaostman I sometimes think we should get an air con unit, but it'd only truly be needed for a few days a year in the UK

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