3 Easy Ways to make friends on DingDash!
#1. Create REAL profile pic. No one likes making friends with picture of cross or a scenic path in the woods. It's weird. It's even harder to engage you when you leave your photo blank. We feel like we can know you if we can see your face.
#2. MAKE NEW FRIENDS. Click on Home, Timeline or if you are feeling frisky - Federated Timeline and find people posting things that interest you. Click on their profile and click the button to follow them. Comment on their post.
Go ahead. You can do it. They won't bite.
#3. RELAX. Don't make ALL your posts about religion, politics, and the end of the world. Share about hobbies, pets, food, interests, or give tips on restaurants in your area.
I LOVE this community and want to get to know as many of you as possible.



A happy photo of a very happy family in a beautiful place, and with our 2nd free car just behind us ;-)

(Yorkshire, on a free holiday :-) )

@Berrybunchfamily @sinbach you guys were in Yorkshire? You were super close to our UK office here in Rotherham - you'll have to let me know next time you're in the area!

@bethany @sinbach we've got an open invite to York, with some amazing and godly friends! The kind of friends where you stay two weeks and they are still happy to have you back 🙂

Once Covid lock down is relaxed, we'll be back up, and we'd love to come to the UK office !!!

I also know Rotherham relatively well. I used to deliver building materials to new housing estates, albeit over 20 years ago now. Rotherham was a near daily run for me back then.

Andy B

@bethany [we LOVE Yorkshire]

Not exactly Devon (where Jo grew up).

But AMAZING, with great people

Andy B

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