Quotes from Houses that Change the World, by Wolfgang Simson (1998). He is German, and has been a missionary in India, and seen multiplication of house churches. He uses the same vocabulary as in the podcast interview (some days ago) by @sinbach called 'From Megachurch to Multiplication'.

I've read this kind of books for ten years, but I've met very few where I live that want to give up their traditional way of doing Church or even want to be challenged in their way of thinking, as: Am I doing it by the Book? What does God want? Are we sharing the Gospel Message or are we only after more members and financial gifts? Are we empowering (sending out) or controlling (keeping) people? Do we use money only to build a reputation, or give to those in need?

Asked yourself, when have you experienced real friendship among believers, the tangible presence of God, personal growth, been challenged, learnt valuable lessons, been educated etc.? For me, it's almost never been Sunday mornings.

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