Hey up family. To borrow a phrase from my good friend @DevotionalTreasures , how are you doing on this Lord's day?

And what are you up to? What is God saying to you today? What's your scripture of the day?

Us? Well we had an AMAZING sleep - both in going to bed, and waking up, relaxed (this had NOT been the norm for some considerable time - feels like someone has prayed specifcally...); the boys are playing Mario Cart on the Wii, & Jo and I have had two cups of tea/coffee in bed and a lovely time chatting through life things.

So, so far, a welcomed, lazy, start to our first day off this week and a morning to enjoy feeling peaceful and relaxed, rather than rush away from it!

Now showered and read to begin properly :-) with another cup of Earl Grey for me, and proper coffee for Jo Jo.

Jeremiah 29:11 (ICB)
I say this because I know what I have planned for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you. I don’t plan to hurt you. I plan to give you hope and a good future.

Andy B

@Berrybunchfamily @DevotionalTreasures I love tea and I enjoy coffee - I use to hate the taste of coffee. But I'm a morning coffee and an all day water person and tea in between. I love an evening tea. I do not like soda!!

@MaryMamuzich @DevotionalTreasures I love the smell of coffee, and apparently make a good cup of it, but have never been able to drink it - never could get used to the taste

@Berrybunchfamily @DevotionalTreasures that's the way I was until we were staying in a place with terrible tasting water which made the tea taste so so bad but I wanted something hot and so I figured coffee tastes terrible so the water won't affect it... Then over the month I got used to it. Then when I had coffee with good water - I was hooked.

@MaryMamuzich @DevotionalTreasures there's always a way 😁

I have a friend who hated peppers...he went to stay in Eastern Europe for a mission...the [very poor] family he stayed with grew peppers...after having peppers for breakfast, lunch and dinner, day after day, he came to enjoy them 🙂

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