@Berrybunchfamily @DevotionalTreasures I love tea and I enjoy coffee - I use to hate the taste of coffee. But I'm a morning coffee and an all day water person and tea in between. I love an evening tea. I do not like soda!!
@Berrybunchfamily @DevotionalTreasures that's the way I was until we were staying in a place with terrible tasting water which made the tea taste so so bad but I wanted something hot and so I figured coffee tastes terrible so the water won't affect it... Then over the month I got used to it. Then when I had coffee with good water - I was hooked.
@MaryMamuzich @DevotionalTreasures there's always a way 😁
I have a friend who hated peppers...he went to stay in Eastern Europe for a mission...the [very poor] family he stayed with grew peppers...after having peppers for breakfast, lunch and dinner, day after day, he came to enjoy them 🙂
@Berrybunchfamily @DevotionalTreasures training the taste buds!
@MaryMamuzich @DevotionalTreasures think God used those peppers to train the man too ;-)
@MaryMamuzich @DevotionalTreasures I love the smell of coffee, and apparently make a good cup of it, but have never been able to drink it - never could get used to the taste