Recently a House church gathering was interrupted by a non-Christian political party. Police arrested few youngsters including the Elder.
However, when women were harassed, some young believers manhandled the attackers. We felt that, we failed to mentor those young believers in sound biblical principles.
Pray for those who are injured and recovering.

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter This truly is a very hard question, which I've also been pondering many times. Where goes the limit between turning the other cheek and defending yourself (or your family, people, country etc) ? What if the attackers would had for example started raping the woman in front of your eyes, would it had been right to just do nothing..?
I would love to hear peoples comment on this subject. 🙏

@Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter I have actually one thought myself to share on the subject.
I read a book about a muslim woman who became a Christian. She lived in a country where there was a risk as a lonely woman to be raped on the streets if not walking with a man escort. Then she heard of a Christian missionary who had started giving women courses in self defense (including karate or something !) and she felt God lead her to go to the courses. With those skills, she was then able to attend church meetings on other side of town and yes, she was sometimes forced to use her skills for not being raped or harassed.
BUT when her own father found out about her Christian faith, he became full of anger and started heavily beating her up. At this moment she didn't resist him at all, but let him do what he did, in other words she turned the other cheek and just felt God's love in that moment and towards her father too. This I found very interesting to read.


@sarikorpi @Jo_PrayerN_actionCenter Are you able to share the name of this book?
This is indeed a challenging matter. One way that I've looked at it is that we don't hate or seek the hurt of others, but there is a time to defend against wrong. Those doing harm "know not what they do" and if there is a way to protect them from themselves and their evil intentions, some physical intervention may be justified. But, our true battle is not against flesh and blood. I believe there are so many variables and unique situations. What is right in one instance may not be right in another. Is the way we are responding representing Christ? Will it lead to the salvation of more souls? Is it wise? Or, will it lead to further harm? May we all be led by Holy Spirit and the wisdom from God's Word. Our hope is truly not in the flesh.
I pray for the physical healing of the individuals involved in the situation and also that even this seeming disaster will result in Jesus' glory. I pray wisdom for all.

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