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Cam we claim berses as promises? Which ones?.which ones are or which ones or for others. Over several video pocast will see. You can like, comment, subscribe or post on youtube and we will evem include some of your comments, questions and prayer request on the next one.

If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord — and he will repay you!
Proverbs 19:17 NLT

Covid has you down a little?? Listen to this message I preach on this.

Healing blog. Seventh of eight are finished. 8 part series called 7 questions that could mean the difference between life and death. Enjoy. You should read all seven, and 8th will be finished this week. It will feed you with the life of God. The answers to these questions saved me from certain death. Im glad I knew what the Bible taught on this when I was on my death bead. Knowing these answers brought me back to life. Blessings.

Healing: Questions about diving healing that could be the difference between life or death. Part seven.

This worship band from the Philippines was so sweet to me and they did two online worship for a very large online conference i was preaching with 1 days notice. Didnt ask for money. They were just happy to be a blessing. As all phlippines, they have the biggest servantd heart. Show them gratitude. Here is one of their sets. Wow. I really believe their music is the next great music to sweep the nations. I know their pastors. Like, subscribe and share the ROLFC band PLEASE.

60 hours of revival starts today. I have two spots. Im preaching at 6 PM thailand time on the 5th and 6th of September. But there is 60 speakers including Marilyn Hickey, Mario Murrillo, David Cho (Korea), Randy Clark, Michael Brown. There is an asia direct line and a American direct line. But its also streamed other places as it says on the flyers. To be part of 60 hours of world wide revival, 200 countries, worship and prayer, connect here. Its also translated many languages through website!

7 questions that can cause life and death based on how you answer these questions about healing. Its an eight part series. Here is part 6 with question five.

Part five of our healing series called seven questions that can can bring life or death shows questions you should already know the answer to before you go through a trial of sickness. In some of the first four of these lessons, I give my incredible death bed story. Read them all. But this one is called, "Can sin cause some to fail to receive healing? The answer may surprise you.

Here is the video story of the first miracle that happened in Khua Mung Village, Thailand. Get your tissues out. Her family of 7 had decided to commit mass suicide together. Her pain was unbearable, couldn't cloth herself or wash her own hair. On Christmas 19' we gave gift to the village and offered prayer for the sick. Since her dramatic healing, we have 5 churches, 10 discovery Bible studies and 200 per week hearing the gospel. First service had 5 people on Jan. 5 2020.

pray that 40 vietnam Bibles make it into the hands of those who need it most as they are on their way. They are already inside so not giving up info. Just pray they go where needed. Thanks.

Chris1040 boosted

Day 20 of prayer for North Korea 🙏🏼🌍

Today is not an easy read. However you fellowship with believers today, please remember our persecuted brothers and sisters in NK and around the world.

Two former buddhist saved and baptized as God adds to the church daily those who are being saved. We do something similar to DMM. Rapid disciple making is happening. This man baptized in the spirit as he comes out of the water.

Chris1040 boosted

Yesterday was mother's day in Thailand. Our house church leaders invited their buddhist neighbors to gather behind our Agape International offices. We taught on Jesus washing the disciples feets and becoming a servant. Then we had all the kids wash their mothers feet. We had about 60 people there. Half were buddhist. The buddhist were very touched by this experience and the gospel was shared. The kids gave their moms flowers and washed their feet. In thai culture feet aren't usually touched.

Chris1040 boosted

Day 16 of prayer for NK! 🌍🙏🏼

Today, we look at how North Korea and China try to infiltrate the underground churches.

Chris1040 boosted

Day 15 of prayer for North Korea! 🌍🙏🏼

Read the story of Ji Su who risked her life and swam across the Tumen River from North Korea to China.

@Backtojerusalem Berut explosion looks way to fishy!!!! Terrorism? Practice for something bigger like attack on Jerusalem??

Does ANYONE IN THE WORLD actually think that the massive explosions throwing mushrooms clouds in the air was an accident??? I don't see it. It may even be a practice run by some territorist groups to see how they could slide fertilizer snd chemicals and leave it for years only to ignite it later in places like Jerusalem? America??

"Why should anyone hear the gospel twice until everyone has heard it once??" -Oswald J. Smith from "the Challenge of Missions." Must read for all missionaries and those involved in apostolic work to the unreached and unengaged.

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