#Book Review: Escape From Reason by Francis A. Schaeffer
#Christianity #Apologetics #Theology https://bit.ly/3OCrHNK
Hedged In By God - Repost
My Redeemer Lives!
#Sermon on Youtube: Metaphors of the #Church https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/07/11/sermon-on-youtube-metaphors-of-the-church/
tomorrow we announce the name and website for our brand new, UK based, Global Radio Station 😊
12pm UK time
we'll be exclusively playing music that is free of bad language and doesn't promote anything illegal or immoral. and that's it for how we choose our music
and there's an awfully large pool of great music from artists from around the world - whether they have chosen to believe in Jesus, yet, or not
Andy B
What Is Your Story?
A #Weekend fun #Reading Review: The #Batman Adventures Volume 2
#Comics https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/07/07/review-the-batman-adventures-volume-2/
Lectures: Introduction to Presuppositional #Apologetics
#Christianity #Theology https://bit.ly/44giPTG
Psalm Sunday (119:69)
@DevotionalTreasures Praise God-this has a wonderful message!
When "Plan A" Always Works!
@DevotionalTreasures And a great verse at that!
The #Gift of Being a #Parent
#Christianity #Family #God https://bit.ly/3seLDP8
Early July 2023 Presuppositional #Apologetics’ Links
#Christianity #Theology https://veritasdomain.wordpress.com/2023/07/08/early-july-2023-presuppositional-apologetics-links/
True Delight - Flashback Friday
A Scottish father and grandfather. I have been following God for 36 years. Here I share my daily devotional writing from my blog. May God bless you!